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GPU-based Fast Ray Casting for a Large Number of Metaballs
Yoshihiro Kanamori, Zoltan Szego and Tomoyuki Nishita
The University of Tokyo
Metaballs are implicit surfaces widely used to model curved objects, represented by the isosurface of a density
field defined by a set of points. Recently, the results of particle-based simulations have been often visualized using
a large number of metaballs, however, such visualizations cause high rendering costs. In this paper we propose
a fast technique for rendering metaballs on the GPU. Instead of using polygonization, the isosurface is directly
evaluated in a per-pixel manner. For such evaluation, all metaballs contributing to the isosurface need to be
extracted along each viewing ray, on the limited memory of GPUs. We handle this by keeping a list of metaballs
contributing to the isosurface and efficiently update it. Our method neither requires expensive precomputation
nor acceleration data structures often used in existing ray tracing techniques. With several optimizations, we can
display a large number of moving metaballs quickly.
Keywords: depth peeling, Bezier clipping, tile-based raycasting, point sprites
- Yoshihiro Kanamori, Zoltan Szego and Tomoyuki Nishita: "GPU-based Fast Ray Casting for a Large Number of Metaballs," Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Eurographics 2008), Vol. 27, ISSUE 2, No. 3, pp. 351-360, 2008.
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- Yoshihiro Kanamori, "GPU-based Fast Rendering of Metaballs," The 5th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Computer Graphics, Oct, 2007.
- Yoshihiro Kanamori and Tomoyuki Nishita, "Fast Rendering of Metaballs on GPUs," (in Japanese) IPSJ SIG Notes, Vol.2007, No.70(20070709) pp. 13-18, 2007-CG-127-(3).
- International Information Science Foundation (IISF), Visiting Researcher Support Program (Grant # 2008.1.2.001)
Last modified: 14 July, 2008