# this is a comment. ### misc setting ################################### # screen (width), (height) screen_size 512 512 # max_depth (max number of recursion) max_depth 3 ### camera setting ################################# camera_position (-12.078,-4.46835,10.1201) camera_center (-11.08,-4.49232,10.0623) camera_up (0.0432623,0.93172,0.360593) camera_fovy 30.0 ### scene setting ################################## # # note: a material should be pre-defined for each object # # object format: # sphere (center) (radius) # plane (normal) (distance) # triangle (vertex0) (vertex1) (vertex2) # # material format: # ambient (ambient color) # diffuse (diffuse coefficient) (ambient color) # phong (specular coefficient) (shininess) (diffuse color) (ambient color) # mirror (specular coefficient) # refract (index of refraction) (specular coefficient) # # light format: # point_light (position) (color) # direct_light (direction) (color) # diffuse (0.5, 1, 0.5) (0, 0.3, 0) #phong (1,1,1) 16 (0.5, 1, 0.5) (0, 0.3, 0) #phong (1,1,1) 32 (0.6, 1, 1) (0.1, 0.1, 0.2) sphere (0, 0, -10) 2.0 diffuse (1, 1, 1) (0.3, 0.3, 0.3) plane (0,1,0) -2.0 point_light (4,8,-10) (20,0,0) point_light (6,4,-8) (10,10,0) point_light (4,5,-12) (0,0,20) #point_light (-6,-4,8) (0,0,10)